Friday, December 14, 2007

Last Blog

This is the last blog I have to write. I can't believe that my first semester of college is over. It went by so fast. I really thought that college would be a lot harder, but I'm thankful that its not too bad.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


The snow today was a waste. We barely got any snow and it just made things a mess. I'd much rather have a huge storm that have to deal with this slushy mess. Ruins the whole day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Graphic Design

Today was the last day of my design class. Im really going to miss taking that class because it was a lot of fun. I love art and love designing. I'm really glad i decided to major in Graphic Design, so far im having a good experience

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Tree

Today my dad and I when Christmas tree shopping. We decided that we would go cut one down ourselves at a tree farm, well that sounded easier that it was. We went to one place and the trees were so small. We then decided to try one other place. We got there and the place wasn't open even though it said it would be. We waited a little while and then someone finally showed up. They said they werent selling anymore trees cuz the sold too many already, but my dad convinced them too. Next year we plan on starting earlier.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Almost Famous

We started a movie in English today and I must say its pretty good. When it first started i thought it was going to be a dumb movie, but its not; its really pretty good. It gives you a good explanation of what rock was about when it first came out and how some people were really against it. Can't wait to finish it

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I wrote my last paper for the semester. No more papers to write. Yayy!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Research Paper

My research paper is due tomorrow and i really hope i did it well. I revised it the way i was supposed to so i should get a good grade. I just want to get a good grade on it so i can get a good grade for the semester.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas Shopping

The craziness begins!!! Christmas shopping has begun. The stores are crazy and people will stop at nothing to get the one gift their kids want for Christmas. But when people get out of hand this all turns ridiculous. Don't get me wrong i love Christmas and shopping for people but sometimes it can get insane.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


So today sucked. My dog isn't doing very well and im not ready to lose her. She is 14 years old and yea i know thats old but i just don't want to lose her. She has been my best friend since i was 5 years old and cant imagine not having her around.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Research Paper

So I am trying to write my paper and its not working. I have no idea where to start. I wish this paper would just write itself, but it wont so i better get writing.